We're on a mission to fund the next generation's future
With luvmunny 💝, you can give them something they definitely need!
Your gift is sustainable, thoughtful, and different.
Your gift is used for education savings
We don't release the gifts until we know the education savings account that they're destined for. No matter what financial institution they use.
Your gift is worth 20% more
Any gift made with luvmunny is worth 20% more thanks to matching grants from the federal government. Give $50 to give $60 or $100 to give $120!
Your gift appreciates for years
Instead of depreciating to the point of becoming waste, your gift will appreciate until your loved one uses it for their higher education.
Unlock the power of generosity
It's plenty easy to get all the family and friends in on the surprise. And, oh does that surprise get big.
Made in Toronto 🇨🇦